
Bradley Blasts ‘Bigotry’ of Police Officers

A statement by Mayor Tom Bradley released Monday night:

“The shocking footage of 15 officers brutally attacking Rodney King still haunts our city. Today, a transcript of conversation that took place before and after that brutal incident shows a callous disregard for the victim and a deeply disturbing racial remark. The transcript sickens and saddens me.

Last week, when I heard in general terms about a communication that night, I knew that information must be released to reveal the state of mind of the officers involved. And now that I’ve seen a transcript of the conversation, it is clear that the officers demonstrate a casual and cavalier attitude toward this horrific beating. In addition, it appears that bigoted remarks are not only tolerated but applauded.

The people of this city have been slapped in the face by the attitude and bigotry of these officers. These malicious comments raise questions that are just as serious and disturbing as those raised by the Rodney King beating. The public must know how deep these prejudicial sentiments run in the LAPD. The Justice Department, district attorney and Police Commission are already investigating the circumstances of the March 3 beating of Rodney King. The federal authorities are looking at all cases of alleged police brutality in the last six years.


The Rodney King beating and the words of these few officers have set back our police force and our city for years. It is no longer possible for any objective person to regard the King beating as an ‘aberration.’ We must face the fact that there appears to be a dangerous trend of racially motivated incidents running through at least some segments of our Police Department.

The Police Commission has already begun its look at the type of training that is currently being implemented to foster tolerance and openness to people of all races and backgrounds. The commission is also examining whether the department’s command structure permits these tragic incidents to occur. Based upon these words, it will be hard for the people of our city to believe that the department’s current training or command structure are adequate.

The city is committed to restoring the public’s faith in our department. To prevent these acts from occurring again, the officers involved in the March 3 incident must be accountable. With the grand jury indictment Friday and the continuing district attorney investigation, I know justice will be done.”
