

John Wayne 1990 Airline Performance

Total Flights % on Time Airline * Reported ** Departing *** Arriving Alaska Airlines 1,571 87.2 84.8 American Airlines 16,616 87.9 81.0 America West Airlines 7,769 87.9 85.2 Continental Airlines 4,244 91.7 79.9 Delta Air Lines 3,387 88.5 76.7 Northwest Airlines 4,058 83.6 76.4 TWA 1,421 87.5 82.4 United Airlines 2,429 70.8 70.3 USAir 15,656 89.0 88.8 TOTAL FLIGHTS 57,151 87.5 82.4

% Flights Canceled/ Airline Diverted Alaska Airlines 3.6 American Airlines 0.9 America West Airlines 0.9 Continental Airlines 1.4 Delta Air Lines 0.4 Northwest Airlines 2.3 TWA 4.9 United Airlines 1.8 USAir 1.2 TOTAL FLIGHTS 1.3

Notes: Department of Transportation defines “on time” as arriving at or departing from a gate within 15 minutes of the scheduled time.


Midway Airlines, which began using John Wayne Airport in October, not included here because it is not yet required to file on-time reports with the Department of Transportation.

* Total number of reported flights arriving at and departing from John Wayne Airport; includes canceled and diverted flights.

** Percentage of on-time flights departing from John Wayne Airport.

*** Percentage of on-time flights arriving at John Wayne Airport.

Source: Department of Transportation, Transportation Systems Center
