
ORANGE COUNTY PERSPECTIVE : Needed: a Level Playing Field

More than 1,300 youngsters compete in the Orange Junior Soccer Club, but the real contest has been on the club’s board of directors. Unfortunately, the board seems unable to distinguish personalities from issues, which has led it to make an unfair decision.

Here’s what happened: Last December, Herm Flores, who was running for reelection to the board, said he had the support of the city’s adult soccer leagues, which also control some of the playing fields needed by the junior club players.

That prompted board member Roger McClanahan, a foe of Flores, to comment, “We don’t need them (the adult leagues). They’re all illegals.” According to several persons at the meeting, McClanahan then threatened to call on immigration officials to make a “sweep” of the adult soccer fields.


McClanahan later apologized for his remarks. But the disregard for Latinos that he demonstrated in making them could only have served to divide the community.

Flores aggravated the situation by reporting the incident to Los Angeles’ Spanish-language newspaper, La Opinion, saying he was trying to “expose racism in Orange County.”

He also somewhat exaggerated the incident. Understandably, that made some members of the board angry, and Flores was ousted.


Neither the soccer board nor McClanahan seemed to comprehend the effect of his injudicious remarks in a community where Latinos--legal or not--are becoming a great presence.

It serves no one to stir up racial prejudices. Nor could the remarks have benefited the Orange Junior Soccer Club, which has been trying to recruit young Latino players.

This matter ought to have been resolvable. But if tensions were such that it was best for Flores to leave, then McClanahan also should have gone.


The soccer field should be level for all, just as the playing field in everyday life should be free of prejudice. The board should show it will not tolerate racism from its members.
