
ANAHEIM : City Agencies Have New Phone Prefixes

City government’s various departments recently received a new telephone system, which has changed the prefix of city office phone numbers.

The new prefix is 254 for all city departments, except utilities, and gives all offices a common prefix rather than various ones previously used throughout City Hall.

The only unchanged number is the Public Utilities Department at (714) 563-0564.

The Police Department will use its 999 prefix until this summer, when its phone number will change to 254-1991.


The Fire Department can be reached at 254-4000; Parks and Recreation is 254-5191, and the mayor and City Council members can be contacted through the city clerk’s office at 254-5166.

Residents who have difficulty reaching city departments can call the city’s main switchboard at 254-5100, or the public information office at 254-5171.
