
SANTA ANA : Children Find Decomposed Body

A group of children playing by a tunnel below a freeway overpass Sunday afternoon found a badly decomposed body, police said.

The body, wrapped in a blanket or sleeping bag, was so badly decomposed that Santa Ana police investigators were not able to determine whether the victim was a man or a woman. There was no identification on the body, and police are awaiting autopsy results to find out how the victim may have died.

“Our speculation is that this was most likely a transient, asleep in the tunnel,” said Santa Ana police Sgt. Joe Esther.


The body was found about 2 p.m. beneath the intersection of the Garden Grove and Santa Ana freeways. Esther said it appears that the body may have been washed out of the tunnel during last week’s rains, but the severe decomposition indicates that the death itself took place “probably weeks as opposed to days (ago),” he said.
