
Closing Latinos’ Education Gap

I disagree with Rodolfo F. Acuna’s assertion (“Fighting War on Backs of the Poor” Feb. 8) that institutional racism has resulted in the lack of educational opportunities for Latinos to the degree he outlines in his article.

Acuna would benefit by viewing the film “Stand and Deliver.”

Without question, many Latinos have overcome educational obstacles in leading universities throughout the country. It takes desire and hard work on the part of the students and parents to successfully complete one’s educational goal, be it a high school diploma or a college degree. I challenge anyone to identify a Latino who has studied (after school) a minimum of four hours per day, seven days a week throughout the school year and has failed to achieve better than average grades.

Latinos (like other ethnic groups) have access to excellent institutions of learning, including public libraries and other resources. We just don’t take full advantage of them. Let’s begin blaming ourselves for only achieving a 55.9% (Latino, nationwide) high school graduation rate in 1989. It’s up to all of us to “close the educational gap” for Latino students. We must not rely on the nation’s educational infrastructure to make it happen.


Moreover, our armed forces are made up of all volunteers, men and women who have chosen to enlist. Do not give the TV commercials too much credit; surely, such infrequent 30-second spots are not the main reason why “an over-represented number” of Latinos from California and Texas have enlisted. Give these young men and women their due credit and support for having the courage to make the critical decision to improve their lives and to serve their country.

As Americans with Spanish surnames, let’s not wait for others to consider us equal. As Americans with Spanish surnames, let’s not wait for others to embrace us as part of the American mainstream. We are equal and we are part of the mainstream. Let’s come out and play the part.


Fountain Valley
