
Hussein: ‘Circumstances’ Compel Pullout

<i> From Associated Press</i>

Here are excerpts from Iraqi President Saddam Hussein’s speech Tuesday in which he said his forces were withdrawing from Kuwait. The statement was carried by the Iraqi News Agency and translated from Arabic by the Associated Press:

O great people. O nobles in the forces of jihad (holy war) and faith. O glorious men of “the mother of battles.” O truthful, zealous believers in our glorious nation and all Muslims and good people in the world. O glorious Iraqi women:

In such circumstances and moments, it is difficult to say all that should be said. . . .

Nevertheless, it is necessary to mention the essential.

This day, our armed forces will complete their withdrawal from Kuwait. Today, our fight against aggression and atheism in a 30-country coalition that has officially waged a U.S.-led war on us will have lasted from the night of Jan. 16-17 until this moment--two months of the legendary showdown.


This showdown is clear evidence of what God meant it to be: a lesson that would lead the believers to faith, immunity and capability, and the unfaithful, criminals, traitors, evil and depraved to abyss, weakness and humiliation. . . .

We will never forget the great spirit of jihad of believers who fought the fortresses of evil and treachery.

Everything we went through or decided was with compliance with God’s will. Faith is a record of honor to the people, the nation and the values of Islam and humanity. . . .

Today, special circumstances led the Iraqi army to withdraw because of different reasons, including the aggression and abominable embargo carried out by 30 allied countries led by the criminal machine and entity in America and its chief allies.


This evil violence found its efficiency not only in its preconceived aggressive intentions against Iraq and the Arab nation and Islam, but also in the position of those who were fooled by the call of the international legality. . . .

You defeated wrong with right and God’s help. You were victorious the day you declined, in the name of faith, evil’s will. . . .

You chose your way, including the acceptance of the Soviet initiative. Nevertheless, the evil insisted on imposing their will on Iraq. That is what they are deluding themselves into believing and what they are hoping. This hope might remain in their heads even after we pull out from Kuwait. . . .


The Iraqis will remember and will never forget that on 8/8/90 AD it (Kuwait) became a part of Iraq, legally, constitutionally and actually; it continued to be so until last night, when the withdrawal began, and today we will complete withdrawal of our forces, God willing.

Today, certain circumstances made the Iraqi army withdraw as a result of the ramifications which we mentioned, including the combined aggression of 30 countries. . . .
