
Persian Gulf Maps

Maps of the Persian Gulf area are certainly hard to find as reported in your article (Feb. 12) on Map Link of Santa Barbara and the sudden demand for Middle East materials engendered by the Gulf crisis.

The bad news is that you can’t find maps of the Gulf in map stores, but the good news is that you can see the maps at Central Library in downtown Los Angeles and other area libraries. We have been fighting an uphill battle for years to provide Middle East materials against meager availability and theft of our files but we have managed to keep a respectable collection of the Persian Gulf, including tourist and road maps, CIA maps, Army Map Service maps from World War II, some Defense Mapping Service nautical charts, aeronautical charts and Area Handbooks and what is available in travel guides on the countries of the region.

These materials are kept in the history department of the Central Library of the Los Angeles Public Library at 433 S. Spring St. and the public is welcome to examine them during library hours.


GLEN CREASON, Map Librarian, History Department, Central Library
