
PLATFORM : Best Time Is Now


First thing we must do is withdraw the ultimatum that before any talks are initiated the Iraqis have to leave Kuwait. We should express a willingness to talk about world problems, including the Israeli-Palestinian problem.

I estimate 50,000 tons of bombs have been dropped. During World War II, the number of deaths during bombing raids was one death per ton of high explosives. So I estimate 50,000 Iraqi deaths so far. And Saddam (Hussein) doesn’t show any signs of giving up.

A bloody, hazardous ground war may start soon. Pretty soon there will be 50,000 American deaths without Iraq giving up. I went through the Korean and Vietnam wars. In each case the peace effort was successful after 50,000 Americans had been killed. When we begin getting those losses in this war, public opinion will change. Then we’ll start talking or just withdraw, like we did in Vietnam. Why not save 50,000 American lives and start negotiating now? Why not abandon the ultimatums now?”
