Fatal Collision at L.A. Airport
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In response to your editorial “Airport 1991: More Must Be Done to Make It Safer” (Feb. 6):
The editorial was excellent, on target and raised appropriate questions regarding safety. Unfortunately any corrective action will, if history is any guide, be mainly cosmetic.
Extra monies for some equipment will likely be made available at LAX, and maybe some personnel and procedural changes as well. However, fundamental questions regarding recruitment, training (especially recurrent training) and career progression of air traffic controllers are not likely to be addressed in any comprehensive way.
The Department of Transportation/Federal Aviation Administration hierarchy, technocrats mostly, are not apt to examine controller personnel policies and practices in any detail, preferring instead to deal with proximate cause rather than systemic. Predictably, the DOT/FAA will point to new systems planned which “ . . . reduce human error.”
Technology is fine, but no better than the people who will apply, operate and maintain it.
San Diego