
Fatal Collision at L.A. Airport

From a review of technical material on the USAir-SkyWest collision, it seems apparent that the cause was not the air traffic controller, but rather an aircraft control management problem. This was simply “an accident waiting to happen.” There should never have been dual use of any runway, i.e. use for both takeoff and landing. Each runway should be dedicated to only one or the other, the inside being best used for landing and the outside runways for only takeoff. This facilitates no runway crossover by any aircraft at midpoint.

We are indeed fortunate that the loss of life and injuries was not larger. In conclusion, I would like to point out how easy it is to blame the one air traffic controller for not keeping complete track of all six or seven aircraft she was controlling at the time rather than consider the possibility of top management being in error for failing to take into proper account the human factor environment she had to function within.


Los Angeles
