
Picus Calls for Answers About $5.5-Million Boat

A Los Angeles councilwoman Tuesday asked several city departments to explain why the city has spent $5.5 million in the last five years for a custom-made oceanographic vessel that has never been in service.

The inquiry was urged by Councilwoman Joy Picus after The Times reported that the vessel, La Mer, has so far cost the city more than three times its original estimate of $1.5 million. The vessel, now idle in a San Pedro boatyard, has cost more than five times more than oceanographic vessels recently purchased--and already serving--the city of San Diego, county of Los Angeles and state Department of Fish and Game.

Picus’ motion was referred to the council’s Environmental Quality and Waste Management Committee and calls for explanations from the city’s Board of Public Works, Bureau of Sanitation and other city agencies.
