
PRO FOOTBALL REPORT / WEEKDAY UPDATE : RAMS : Glanville Remembers the Last Game

The game was bad for Jerry Glanville, but the postgame setting was worse. As the Atlanta coach recounted it this week, the aftermath of the Falcons’ 44-24 loss at Anaheim Stadium in October was as bad as it gets--some stadium pipes had burst during the game, filling the visiting locker room with sewer water.

“I’ll never forget that game because I’ve never stood in human waste before, but it was probably appropriate,” Glanville said. “Very unusual locker room and everything, when the game was over. . . . I’ll probably write about that somewhere down the road.”

With the Rams visiting his home field Sunday, might Glanville try to wreak a little revenge?


“I don’t know if I know the right buttons to switch to make a sewer back up at Fulton County Stadium,” he said. “I don’t think I would retaliate that way. I wouldn’t put that on anybody. That was degrading or . . . I don’t know what the right word is. I’ve never seen anything like it. I would hope that wouldn’t happen to anybody again in the National Football League.”

Ram Coach John Robinson, who has commented on how much talent the Falcons have on their roster, isn’t totally surprised they are 3-11 in 1990.

“I think they’re going to make a big bounce off the bottom,” Robinson said. “They certainly weren’t conservative, whereas Dallas has been very conservative and just almost escaped the notice of anybody (and) has seven wins. I think you compare both those teams, maybe Dallas started a little earlier, but both of them have hit the bottom and are coming back, trying to come back. Maybe it takes another year for Atlanta’s system to kick in, I don’t know . . . “
