
HUNTINGTON BEACH : City to Donate Last $9,500 for Pool Job

The City Council has voted to donate $9,500 to help build a portable bulkhead for the swimming pool at Golden West College. It would separate the 50-meter pool into two areas for swim practice and instruction.

The request for city aid came from the Golden West Swim Club, a group of swimmers who use the college pool for practice and meets. The club has been trying to raise $70,000 to build the bulkhead. As of this week, it was $9,500 short of that goal.

City Council members were told Monday night that if the club could not raise the final $9,500 before Jan. 1, it would lose almost $40,000 in promised matching funds. Jim B. Engle, acting director of community services, recommended that the council rescue the bulkhead project by contributing the final $9,500.


“The Golden West Swim Club has 300 members, aged 4 through 18, and 70% of the members are Huntington Beach residents,” Engle said in a written report to the council. “It (the club) has raised $60,500 through the Amateur Athletic Foundation, Golden West College, local fund-raisers and other donations.”

Ken Hamdorf, swimming and water polo coach at Golden West College, also urged the council to help.
