
** 1/2 M.C. HAMMER “Hammer Time !” <i> Capitol ($19.98)</i>

More propaganda from the Hammer factory. Along with this collection of video highlights from his two albums (including the songs “Turn This Mutha Out,” “Have You Seen Her” and “Pray”), interview footage and a documentary on the making of his last long-form video, you get a vivid message about Hammer. He’s not just a rapper and an acrobatic dancer but a good-hearted, clean-living, loyal, upstanding, hard-working, religious guy who pulled himself out of the depths of the slums to show-biz stardom--a flawless, heroic figure. All hail St. Hammer! What an ego. The propaganda is heavy-handed but couched in this slick, fast-moving, high-energy package. The videos from his last album don’t add much--except to show you, by comparison, how much Hammer has improved as a designer of videos. The package’s strength, by far, is in the closing three videos from his current album. Most Hammer fans will eat it up.

Items in this periodic survey of pop-related books, videocassettes and laser discs are rated on a scale of one star (poor) to five (a classic).
