
VENTURA : Group Urges U.S. to Bring Troops Home

Nearly 100 people gathered in Ventura on Thursday night to launch an organization opposed to war in the Middle East.

The Ventura County Coalition for Peace in the Persian Gulf planned a demonstration for the Ventura Holiday Street Festival on Sunday, organizers said.

“We were overwhelmed at the response at the meeting,” said local attorney Margot Davis. “We had young students, older people, Vietnam vets, church people, doctors, women’s organizations, environmental groups.”


She said parents of soldiers now in Saudi Arabia expressed fears that their children might come home in body bags.

The coalition wants people to call or write letters and postcards to President Bush and their congressmen, telling them to bring the troops home, allow the sanctions time to work and reduce American dependence on oil, she said.

Demonstrations and concerts such as those held in the 1960s and ‘70s to protest the Vietnam War, are being planned, Davis said.


Protesters plan to gather at noon Sunday on the steps of the main Ventura Post Office, 675 E. Santa Clara Ave.
