
Milken’s Sentence

What a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Finally, justice has been rendered upon those who have raped and pillaged the coffers of unsuspecting middle-class Americans.

A hearty congratulations to U.S. District Judge Kimba M. Wood for sentencing junk bond king Michael Milken to a term deserving of the crime (“Judge Stuns Milken With 10-Year Sentence,” front page, Nov. 22).

And what about Los Angeles Police Chief Daryl Gates? He played his political hand in a bid to lighten Milken’s sentence.


I suppose Chief Gates thinks it’s a crime deserving of prison for those who rob us of hundreds or thousands of dollars, but life should be a day at the beach for people like Milken who rack up the million-dollar heists.

What a model citizen Milken would be for those kids in the Police Department’s Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE), teaching them to skirt the shadier side of the law to make an easy buck rather than take an honest and hard-working approach in obtaining the American dream.

JOE GARCIA, Westwood
