
TUSTIN : Tuchman, Bauer Returned to Board

Voters have overwhelmingly returned incumbents Gloria F. Tuchman and Jane Bauer to the Tustin Unified School District board.

Their only challenger was Maurice A. Ross, the district’s controversial former superintendent who resigned last year over philosophical differences with the school board.

“I’m ecstatic,” Tuchman said. “I just can’t believe that it’s finally over and we’re moving toward a new era in Tustin. I think the message was very loud and clear: No Ross on Board. Dr. Ross is not what the doctor ordered for Tustin.”


During the campaign, Tuchman, Bauer and the teachers union charged that Ross’ election to the board would upset a tenuous peace that has come to the district since a new superintendent was appointed.

While teachers last year picketed and boycotted extracurricular activities as contract negotiations dragged on, this year they gave the new superintendent a standing ovation at a districtwide meeting.

Rumors that Supt. David L. Andrews would resign if Ross were elected flew through the community, prompting Andrews to write to local newspapers saying he had no intention of resigning.


Ross pledged to work with Andrews, saying he wanted to continue to serve the district by representing the entire community, rather than just the union as he claims Tuchman and Bauer do.

Meanwhile, Ross charged that union-backed candidates Tuchman and Bauer are controlled by the union.

“I think it’s a mistake to leave the district in the hands of the union, but I respect the process,” Ross said. “I gave the people a choice and they made their choice.”
