
Wrong About Kids

I do not believe (New Kid) Donnie Wahlberg willingly wanted to show off his underwear to the audience. The pants he was wearing were just a little bit too big, and he noticed that. So immediately after the song ended, he went backstage and put on a long shirt to cover them up. And about the shirt Donnie was wearing reading “Drugs Suck”: What did you want it to say? “Drugs are cool--try some”? Also, why blame the NKOTB for hurting the ears of a 6-month-old baby? Who in his right mind would bring a baby like that to a loud concert?

What is wrong with young girls adoring young men who are anti-drugs? In this day and age, they are welcome role models for us. I paid $125 for my ticket, and I got my money’s worth.


Mission Viejo
