
Police Open House for Possible Recruits

People interested in joining the San Diego Police Department are invited to visit police headquarters today from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. as part of a twice-yearly recruitment drive.

Representatives of the SWAT unit, Harbor Patrol, Air Support Unit and other units will be available to answer questions.

Applications will be distributed, and written tests will be given Nov. 6. Those accepted into the police academy will receive $2,158 a month to start and $2,308 a month upon graduation.


Officer Gail Arcediano, a police recruiter, said the department gets about 4,500 applications a year, and hires from 150 to 200 officers a year.

Requirements for potential recruits include being a high school graduate, at least 20 1/2 years old on the day of application, a U.S. citizen and uncorrected vision of not worse than 20/70 in both eyes.
