
Supervisors, Airport Officials Buffeted by Traveler Turbulence

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I am one of the many people who are furious over the new increased parking rates. Obviously, I am in the minority as Jan Mittermeier (assistant airport manager) says travelers were surveyed and most replied that they wanted to park closer and were willing to pay more for that privilege.

Who were these so-called travelers? Are they the same people that the county has surveyed about sales tax increases? Everything I ever read from the county states that O.C. residents will overwhelmingly approve a sales tax to improve traffic problems. However, for the second time, the voters defeated any increases. The reason is, the voters don’t trust the politicians. These politicians will waste as much money as possible.

As a frequent traveler, I am furious at having my parking rates double. I will remember these increases when it comes to election time. I am wondering why the parking was free for the grand opening event at the terminal. Why didn’t the county gouge the people who attended the black-tie event, or were they afraid of losing campaign contributions?



Mission Viejo
