
MOVIE REVIEW : Spacey Visuals Add Energy to ‘Avenger’

Robert W. Haines’ “Space Avenger,” which contineus its a Saturday midnight run at the Royal, has going for it tremendous energy, reportedly the first use of gorgeous “three-strip” color since “Godfather II” (1974), suitably grisly but deliberately comical special effects and an overall good sense of humor. On the down side is the callow acting and dialogue.

The not-bad premise has comic book writer-illustrator (Kirk Fairbanks Fogg--no kidding, I think) attacked by a quartet of alien terrorists who are less than happy with how they have inspired his work. Very quickly the film turns into a near-nonstop chase, punctuated by heavy-duty sex and violence that rules out the film’s potentially most appreciative audience, youngsters.

Haines directed “The Toxic Avenger” and others for low-budget Troma Films and also supervised the restoration of “Lawrence of Arabia.” There’s no doubting his visual flair and resourcefulness; what he needs now is to collaborate with a strong writer.
