Palestinians, Israel and Mideast Crisis
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I applaud your editorial “U.S. Should Never Fear to Negotiate” (Aug. 22). A peaceful solution is the only solution this country should pursue now that we have the military power in place to negotiate from a position of strength. But we (including the United Nations) should use this window of opportunity to put into motion the resolution of whatever problems may have created this crisis, or could cause it to simmer and threaten recurrence in another deadly manner.
For openers, there is the matter of a peaceful resolution of the Arab-Israeli-Palestinian problem, i.e., recognition of Israel’s right to exist, coupled with self-determination for the Palestinians. A militarized Middle East bodes ill for the security of the area, so a plan for ultimate disarmament of all nations in the area is essential. To insure the peace, at least during the transition, a significant U.N. military presence would be essential. And to address a major potential for future violence, the monarchies and dictatorships should be encouraged to establish a timetable for the phase-in of democratic governments.
Pacific Palisades