
Noise on the Home Front

I take exception to the editorial (“Don’t Shoot at the Marines,” Aug. 15) chastising Irvine for asking the Defense Department to stop all flights out of Tustin Air Base.

When I moved to San Clemente in the late ‘70s, there were the Marine bases--Pendleton, Tustin and El Toro--but I hardly knew they were there because the helicopter buildup had not occurred yet. The buildup of helicopters and their overflights grew, culminating with the curious signs on the San Diego Freeway at Pendleton informing motorists, “Possible Dust Clouds Next 17 Miles.”

Soundproofing isn’t cheap, and the Marines have all that space at Pendleton to use for practice. I support a ready military, but I do not support civilians having to “take it” from the military.


It’s time that the military show that they are gentlemen (and ladies) first and practice their specialties where it doesn’t destroy the peace that they fight to maintain.


San Clemente
