
Running Across the Freeway--Don’t Penalize the Motorists

Regarding the San Clemente checkpoint problem of undocumented workers running across the freeway: Please don’t get too radical. Why should thousands of drivers have to suffer because of selfish smugglers letting off their captives who, in fright, seem to run.

We experienced the same problem on southbound Interstate 805 at Palm Avenue in Chula Vista, and installing lights and flashing lighted signs “Watch out for people running” seems to have deterred the accidental deaths.

We travel the San Clemente checkpoint every weekend and are irritated enough at waiting five miles in line just to “cross the checkpoint” and don’t wish any further delays.


We admire the job the Border Patrol does with the resources available. As you stated in the article, a high divider will probably not be the answer. Please try the lighted signs.


Imperial Beach
