
United States Involvement in Mideast

The “Man of the Decade,” as proclaimed by Time magazine has been mysteriously missing from any leadership role during the current world crisis.

It is not Mikhail Gorbachev who is pulling the world together in an unprecedented show of unanimity of purpose, but rather George Bush who is performing master strokes of diplomacy.

Let’s face it. It was not the “visionary Gorbachev” who caused the demise of communism but rather the policies of Ronald Reagan and the strength of the free world that forced the Soviet leader to the conclusion that the Communist dream had turned into a nightmare.


Time magazine and a host of other people need to rethink their position on Gorbachev as a man of peace and ask the question “Where’s Gorby”?

Has he really led the world into an era of peace or is he doing what Soviet leaders have always done--secretly fomenting turmoil against the free world?


