
Too Many Sacrifices on Altar of Housing

Councilwoman Ruth Galanter says the Channel Gateway project is a great mix of community input and developer planning. She says the community supports this mega-project. She also makes sure the Coastal Commission hears the case more than 600 miles from Venice rather than waiting one month and having the hearing in Marina del Rey. She says this is necessary to preserve low income housing in the project. She also says there is no contradiction between her opposition to Marina Place and her support of Channel Gateway.

Her cynical pronouncements belie the fact that she has sold out every principle she ever claimed to believe in. Our community is being raped at her command and all she can say is affordable housing.

As a lifelong renter I am a true proponent of affordable housing. The Galanter forces use the cause of affordable housing to further their own goals, increase their own property values, insure their retirement in the few affordable housing units available after Venice is transformed, and most important, insure that the Galanter re-election coffers are always full.




Sullivan is president of the Venice Town Council.

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