
HEALTH FAIR : Family Fitness

Having fun while keeping fit is the focus of a family fitness fair from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday at Solana Highlands Park. The free event will provide children and adults with activities, information and demonstrations on ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Activities will include obstacle courses, diaper derbies, sack races, circuit training and fitness evaluations. Achievement awards will be given to everyone who participates.

The fitness fair was created by Jeffery and Melissa Woods, founders of J.W. Tumbles, A Children’s Gym, in response to a study showing that 80% of elementary and 70% of secondary schoolchildren in San Diego County fail to meet minimum physical fitness requirements. There has also been a 45% increase in the number of overweight children between the ages of 6 and 17 in the past 20 years.


In addition to fitness activities, appearances will be made by several super heroes and popular cartoon characters. There also will be clowns, face painting, party jumps and more. A free concert in the park will follow the fair.

Co-sponsors of “Get Fit For the Fun of It” include Fitness Warehouse, International Rope Skipping Organization, Heidi’s Frogen Yozurt, Del Mar Workout and Chicago Brothers Pizza For Kids.

What: Get Fit For the Fun of It Fitness Fair.

Where: Solana Highlands Park in Solana Beach. Located behind Solana Highlands Elementary School, on High Bluff Drive off Del Mar Heights Road.


When: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday.

Cost: Free.

Calls: 481-5576.
