
Newport Schools

I am writing as a parent concerned for the educational future of my children and disillusioned with the lack of democratic process taking place at the Newport-Mesa Unified District.

On April 17, the Newport-Mesa school board voted 4 to 3 to split the elementary schools to a K-3/4-6 grade configuration, against strong parental and community opposition. Of over 200 parents who attended this meeting, not one spoke in favor of this split.

We, as parents and homeowners, entrusted the board to represent us. Webster’s defines “democracy” as “government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them or by their elected officials under a free electoral system.” Democracy, the accepted practice of the American people, is not taking place at the Newport-Mesa school district.



Newport Beach

A mechanical error caused Jerrilynn Kline’s name to appear under a different letter last Sunday.
