
Flooding Could Again Be a Problem

Is it any wonder people think that Californians are weird? Here we sit, in the middle of a desert, deciding on how to implement water rationing because of a four-year drought, and A. Richard Apple (letter May 4) wants to build another golf course.

If, as Apple says, those who want to maintain the wildlife preserve in the Sepulveda Basin are narrow-minded, how does one describe someone who wants to plant acres of grass, needing millions gallons of water, so that golfers can play without the long waits for tee-off times they now face?

Southern Californians are going to be forced to watch their lawns turn brown, but there’s not much chance that the existing golf courses will suffer. Enough! No matter how much revenue golfers create, money doesn’t buy life, nor does it fill my bathtub. It’s time for all of us to grow up.



