
WESTMINSTER : 3 Artists Sought for Bicentennial Murals

The Westminster Bicentennial Foundation is looking for three local artists to paint patriotic murals inside the civic center.

To be considered, artists must live in or attend school in the city. They should submit an 8-by-10-inch sample of a proposed design relating to the theme “Birth of Our Nation,” celebrating the 200th birthday of the U.S. Constitution. The first-place winner will receive $500 and be designated the “Official Bicentennial Artist of Westminster.” That artist will paint the largest of three murals.

The second-place winner will receive $200 and the third-place winner $150. They will each paint smaller murals.


“We decided to do something for the community that would have a lasting effect,” said Trudy Gibbons, a Bicentennial Foundation board member. “These murals will remain indefinitely and will be a source of pride and prestige for the artists selected.”

All entries must be labeled with the artist’s name, address and phone number. They must be turned in to the Westminster Community Services and Recreation Department at 8200 Westminster Blvd. by May 15.

Winners will be chosen by the Bicentennial Foundation and announced on June 14.
