
Bravo for Sting

This is in answer to Mitchell Tendler’s commentary of April 22, “A Matter of Trust.”

I am sure the San Diego Unified School District and the San Diego Police Department did not break any laws in the “sting action.” I think they made a courageous and outstanding decision. If this action created “paranoia,” then we need more of it. How many students did Tendler interview to find out if there, in fact, is a “paranoia” in the schools. A student that does not buy, sell or use drugs has nothing to be afraid of.

This is World War III, the drug war, right here in our own country, in our own school buildings. We have health, safety, building codes and laws against crime that should all be enforced. Prevention through education is the essence, but when the fire gets out of control and is spread into the conflagration stages, it must be met with committed strength, and force. To delay, would be a serious dereliction of duty. Our police department is our standing army, the only line of defense between us and the drug invaders.

I am not going to trust any drug sellers, buyers or users in my grandson’s schools.

Bravo to the school district and the Police Department for taking hold and making a great decision.



San Diego
