
Porter Ranch Report Murky

The report drawn up by city consultant Frank Fielding, the senior city planner for the San Fernando Valley who was the chief instigator and promoter of the immense, proposed Porter Ranch development, is notable for its deceptions and obfuscations. Fielding is not exactly an unbiased objective observer.

On the one hand, the report claims that the largest residential and commercial community ever to be built in Los Angeles is needed to bring a “better balance of jobs and housing.” Yet, no scientific study has been made of this argument. Fielding admits that it would be “speculative,” but nevertheless this is the evidence he submits for “needing” the project.

The almost 4,000 homes would certainly not be available to the estimated 21,000 construction, clerical and retail workers. They clearly could not afford high-priced housing.


Indeed, construction wage levels would not permit the purchase of expensive homes of a half-million dollars and upward. When they have finished their jobs, they will return to where they presently live each night after work. That is why Fielding refuses to tell exactly how many workers will actually end up living in Porter Ranch.

The results could be catastrophic!


