
Whittier : Publisher of Controversial Books Grants Full Refund

The furor over a controversial series of elementary school textbooks appears to have ended for the East Whittier City School District. Holt, Rinehart and Winston has paid $172,694.42 to the district as a refund for the company’s Impressions series.

The texts, designed for students in kindergarten through sixth grade, caused an uproar among some parents because they believed the books were too graphic and depicted anti-social or anti-religious values.

“When parents have input, you should listen to it,” Supt. Dorothy Fagan said, “but the basis for returning the books is that we didn’t get what we ordered.” She said the texts were significantly different from those the district had previewed and ordered last spring.


“Until they were used, nobody found out,” she said. Fagan praised the publishing company for agreeing to a full refund.

Schools in the district recently submitted their preferences for replacement texts, although the results have not yet been tabulated. In the interim, instructors have taught from a variety of readers and collections of literature for children.
