
Pasadena : Park Rehabilitation Plan

A five-year plan to rehabilitate 250 acres of the Arroyo Seco, a city-owned riverbed park around the Rose Bowl, was approved in concept Tuesday by the Board of Directors.

Under the Devil’s Gate Multi-Use Project plan outlined for city directors, work on the $90-million project will take place on six fronts, which will include removal of pollutants from underground wells; repair of the Devil’s Gate Dam and excavation of sediment there; preparation of an underground aquifer for water storage, and the addition of a fishing pond and biking, hiking and equestrian trails.

The board did not commit any city money to the project Tuesday because city staff members are trying to determine overall project costs.


City staff members will pursue outside funding possibilities, including up to $50 million under the federal Groundwater Management and Quality Control Act of 1989. Financial support also will be sought from the federal Bureau of Reclamation and from agencies including the Metropolitan Water District, the Raymond Basin Management Board and the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy.
