
The Debate Over Homosexuality and Its ‘Treatment’ Rages On (- 2p1)

I was intrigued and puzzled by your article (“The Last Temptation,” April 5) on “therapy” that purports to “cure” homosexuals.

Consider the vast array of social ills that are disproportionately hetero sexual: rape, child molestation, prostitution, pornography, sexual harassment and domestic violence. Some problems are 100% heterosexual: divorce, abortion and the equally tragic birth of some children to parents who neither want nor love them. I am surprised that no one has suggested “curing” heterosexuality.

However, I must admit that some of my best friends are heterosexual, and I grew up in a house full of heterosexuals with no apparent ill effects. So I am willing to live and let live with heterosexuals, so long as they do not flaunt it or try to recruit young people into their lifestyle. L. Loomis, Santa Ana
