
Pasadena : 2 Building Projects OKd

A proposed four-story office building at 725 S. Arroyo Parkway and a three-story hotel at 2850 E. Colorado Blvd. were approved Tuesday by the Board of Directors under the 1990 Growth Management Initiative limits. The two projects total 47,229 square feet, leaving 193,052 square feet remaining for allocation out of the yearly limit of 250,000 square feet for commercial construction.

Two more commercial projects, totaling 112,698 square feet, have also been submitted, along with 24 housing projects whose total units exceed by 39 the yearly 250 unit limit. These projects will be evaluated later this year by the board.

In other growth management matters, the board rejected proposed sales price limits that would have provided exemptions from the initiative for new moderate-income housing. Those limits were tentatively set at $73,765 for a one-bedroom unit to $119,515 for a four-bedroom unit. However, the board asked the Planning Department to come up with possible price limits based on local real estate prices, not on state income guidelines.


The initiative, approved by the voters last year, sets construction limits in Pasadena for the next 10 years.
