
** 1/2 THE RAVE-UPS “Chance” <i> Epic</i> .<i> Albums are rated on a scale of one star (poor) to five stars (a classic). </i>

Another fairly fine effort, this “Chance” is, from L.A.’s last remaining ex-cowpuncher-poet rock ‘n’ roll band. But as far as truth in advertising goes, it’s a bit of a tease, with not enough rave-ups delivered, not quite enough chances taken. The sound this time is less rootsy and more pop, less Dylanesque and more Zombiesque--though not so much so that frontman Jimmer Podrasky doesn’t still write rambling songs about what “the queen said to the dealer” and that sort of thing. The Rave-Ups seem to be groping for growth yet tentative in striking out too far, making for an enjoyable, reiterative follow-up that doesn’t leave much to the title concept.
