
FILLMORE : Tax District OKd for Industrial Park

The Fillmore City Council passed a measure Tuesday creating a special tax district that could cost property owners in a proposed industrial park as much as $3,800 per acre for the next 25 years.

The cost of basic improvements for the development of the North Fillmore Industrial Park will run about $7 million, City Manager Roy Payne said.

The city of Fillmore has already earmarked $2.8 million for the project, which will provide streets, water, sewers and storm drainage to the 127 acres of land designated by the city’s general plan for industrial uses.


The council plans to hold public hearings and take an official poll of the 15 owners by July. Payne said two-thirds of the owners must vote in favor of the district--agreeing to tax themselves $4 million--before the district can be created.

Payne acknowledged that some property owners have opposed the project, but stressed that the city is making efforts to answer owners’ concerns.

In other action, the council voted Tuesday to spend $60,000 in federal Community Development Block Grant funds to purchase land for a new park. Fillmore Volunteer Services received $2,500 for office equipment, and $18,700 was set aside for administration of the grant monies.


In other grants, the Casa Pacifica Children’s Crisis Center received $12,500 for water and sewer improvements. The Ventura County Senior Nutrition program was granted $1,350.
