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* “How To Write Your Memoirs,” a three-session class taught by senior volunteer Sally Cole, meets May 8, 15 and 22 at 1:30 p.m. in the Help Complex-Little House Senior Center, sponsored by Help of Ojai, 111 West Santa Ana St., Ojai. 646-0144. Enrollment is limited to 15. Call ahead. The cost is $4 for a materials packet.

* “Crackerbarrel,” a weekly reminiscence and senior support group, offers regulars and visitors “a good time to cuss and spit and tell lies,” according to Susan Salguero, project director of Ojai’s Senior Day Care Center. Crackerbarrel meets in Oak Tree House at 111 West Santa Ana St., Ojai, 464-0144.

* In her work at Family Support Services-St. John’s Regional Medical Center, Oxnard, registered nurse Charlotte Kreitzer uses the paperback “Oral Histories” to assist hospice patients and those anticipating bereavement. She also helps people in preparing “ethical wills”--letters, messages or stories, particularly in the case of terminally ill parents who have small children. At the patient’s request, Kreitzer often prepares a videotape. “A Family Heritage Workbook” by Valerie S. Peacock is used in bereavement groups at St. John’s, 333 N. F St., Oxnard, 988-2864


* There are several other useful do-it-yourself books on the market, including “Grandmother Remembers: A Written Heirloom for My Grandchild” by Judith Levy. This book is fun and easy to complete by filling in blanks and answering questions. “How to Write Your Autobiography: Preserving Your Family Heritage” by Patricia Ann Case contains short questions arranged chronologically.
