
Decision to Expand Landfill Near Azusa Is Called Irresponsible

Many issues are of concern to our committee (Citizens Protecting Azusa), as well as the citizens in Azusa, and need clarification. The strip mining of our mountains has been going on for many years as many have stated. But, when their permit expired, and also had been violated, the city of Azusa had a chance to step in and close them down.

Unfortunately, the council allowed this to go on, with Mayor (Eugene) Moses and Councilman (Bruce) Latta voting no on this unwise decision, supporting the Planning Commission’s unanimous decision opposing the destruction of the mountains.

It was reported that one of the rock quarry vehicles had toppled from the roadway, landing in our water supply. This vehicle sat in our water supply leaking oil, which caused a 300-square-foot oil slick. This is very serious, just as our mountains are. We cannot allow the tearing apart of our mountains. The dust is harmful to the people of Azusa, and the trucks are gradually destroying our roadways. It appears that these trucks are operating around the clock, more so in the Gladstone, Azusa Avenue areas, as reported by residents who are very disturbed over this.


While the mountains are a concern to the north of our city, the landfill, which is directly to the south at Vincent and Gladstone avenues, poses a serious concern. As the water is being tainted by quarry operations from dust, and most recently an oil spill, what is to be expected from the current landfill expansion?

The landfill expansion is of vital concern to us, as well as all the residents in the San Gabriel Valley. The irresponsible decision to allow this to be expanded over our drinking supply is outrageous, and is an open door for an accident waiting to happen. The council had a chance to intervene and voice an opinion of opposition against this landfill. But instead they chose to do nothing, except sit back and watch.

Remember, the landfill can always be put somewhere else, but the water supply is irreplaceable. Are these liners 100% guaranteed as the experts say? Have there been measurements taken after the last earthquake and aftershocks, to test for land shifting and possible cracks in the liner? The landfill is hazardous, and the water master along with many other agencies have publicly opposed this expansion.


The water supply is also threatened with the current Medfly spraying over our city. These chemicals are dangerous to our water supply and to the people as well. Vehicles must be covered up, animals brought in and people told to stay inside. They are told, “The spraying is safe, please don’t worry.” Our city has done well in this area, in taking the action, which they are currently doing to stop the Medfly spraying.

RONALD J. LEGAULT, president

SEAN CRUISE, vice president

Citizens Protecting Azusa Committee
