
SAN CLEMENTE : Golf Panel Rejects Clubhouse Proposal

A proposal to to spend $185,000 to renovate the San Clemente Municipal Golf Course clubhouse was rejected by a city-appointed golf committee.

With City Hall considering building a second municipal golf course, the advisory group suggested that the city settle for a less-expensive plan that would cost $70,000. Committee members said that an expensive renovation would be extravagant if the city decides to build another golf course in the near future.

More than 122,000 rounds of golf are played at the existing city course every year, making it the second busiest in the Southland, according to the Southern California Golf Assn.


The second golf course would be laid out on Camp Pendleton land which currently is leased by the state Parks and Recreation Department.

Plans for the facility have been delayed while the Marine Corps debates whether to allow the proposed Foothill Transportation Corridor to cross federal land.

Under the scaled-down renovation backed by the committee, the existing clubhouse would get a new coat of paint and new furniture and the men’s bathroom would be refurbished.
