
Western Says They Do Costumes Right

As president of Western Costume Co., I would like to take exception to the way our company was portrayed in the article, “Gone With Neglect” by Gaile Robinson on Feb. 23.

Robinson is evidently ignorant of the difference between what she refers to as a “rental shop” and one of the great costume houses of the world, which Western has been and will continue to be. We create costumes with some of the finest craftsmen and designers in the industry for stars and films acclaimed throughout the world. We do a lot more than “rent.”

While it is true there have been abuses and neglect of Hollywood’s artifacts, no credit was given to those of us who, at considerable expenditure of time and money, are trying to preserve what remains of the past as well as the treasures of the present for the future. My partners and I have been refurbishing and rebuilding our collection so that it will be here for future generations. Our costumes will not be “Gone With Neglect” but, instead, “Preserved With Love.”


PAUL ABRAMOWITZ, President, Western Costume Co., Hollywood
