
SAN CLEMENTE : Penalty for Excess Water Use Approved

Over the protests of several residents, the City Council has approved a rate increase for homes and businesses that use too much water during a drought.

The council on Wednesday unanimously passed the increase as part of its efforts to implement a water conservation plan for the city, which was hit by a water shortage last summer.

Under an ordinance approved by the council, a 50% penalty would be added to the water bill of any water user who exceeds a city-set limit for daily water consumption.


City officials pointed out that the law isn’t intended to raise revenue for the city treasury.

“We want to raise the awareness level and have everyone do their part” to conserve water, said Greg Morehead, director of the municipal water department.

But some residents said the ordinance unfairly penalizes homeowners with big families and large gardens.


Ronald Ankrom said he owns a large lot filled with vegetation that needs far more water than the 650 gallons allowed residents by the city.

“I love my plants and shrubs, so I’ll pay whatever the penalties are. But I don’t think it’s fair,” Ankrom said.

Councilman Scott Diehl said: “The best way to get water conservation is to make consumption more expensive. We need to go forward with this ordinance.”


Morehead identified landscape irrigation done by homeowners associations as the largest single source of consumption in the city, averaging about 40% of the water used in San Clemente.

The ordinance is the third passed since January to deal with water conservation.

On Feb. 7, the city staff was given the power by the council to cut off service to irrigation systems that use too much water during a water emergency.

In January, the council imposed an urgency ordinance that put a 90-day freeze on new construction in an effort to conserve water.
