
Court Ruling on Auto Insurers

In response to “Insurers May Quit State, Court Rules” (Part A, Jan. 30).

It is time to call the bluff of the insureres who have attempted to punish drivers for passing Proposition 103. They have raised their rates, tied up the courts and now they threaten to leave the state and their customers unserved.

It is time for California to enter the automobile insurance business. The state should provide automobile liability insurance to all motorists paid for by a state gasoline tax.

With such a system, there would be no such thing as an “uninsured motorist” and drivers would have some control of their insurance costs by driving less and driving more fuel-efficient cars.


How much of a gasoline tax would be required? A tax of $1 per gallon would have the effect of cutting my insurance cost in half without increasing my overall transportation costs.

While you have records out and your calculators turned on for tax time, you should calculate your transportation costs in two ways:

1. $1 per gallon gasoline plus insurance costs.

2. $2 per gallon gasoline, insurance paid.


