
Canvas Bags Beat Paper <i> and </i> Plastic

I wonder if you as journalists and the leaders of powerful environmental groups are too busy concentrating on the problems we face in relationship to the environment and are unwilling to look to some solutions.

There are two companies in San Diego that are now marketing reusable shopping bags. One company, Treesavers, makes theirs from canvas (that have) been picked up by the Big Bear grocery chain, which is taking a very active and committed role concerning the environment. These are people making a difference.

The question I have is why do the so-called leaders of these environmental groups so easily and relentlessly go to war with corporate America with their boycotts instead of focusing their attentions on the solutions that are so blatantly in our faces. I also ask why you at The Times as our voice and ears of what’s going on report these wars and all their newsworthy ramifications and ignore the people who are making a difference. Why isn’t there a picture of a reusable shopping bag on the cover of the article to show people how much we can do so easily?


