
Senate Passes Gun Control Bill

With the passage of the 15-day waiting period for all guns (AB 497), the honest gun owners of this state take yet another slap in the face from the Democrat-controlled Legislature (“Senate OKs 15-Day Wait on Purchase of All Guns,” Part A, Feb. 9).

It will supposedly stop criminals and mental cases from buying rifles and shotguns. In reality, a person planning to commit a crime would have to be a mental case to purchase a weapon in his own name, especially since they are so easy to get illegally.

No, the real thrust of this legislation is not at the criminal but at the honest gun owner. We are being punished because, in general, we are the most loyal block of Republican voters in this state.


This legislation could not have passed without some Republican crossover votes and the anger and contempt I feel for these “useful fools” is hard to hold back. Not only have they handed the Democrats a political victory and momentum for more worthless gun control laws, but they have alienated their most loyal constituents.

Sen. Pete Wilson, Gov. George Deukmejian, and even President George Bush have supported legislation that punishes honest gun owners and does nothing to stop crime. Perhaps it is time for the gun owners of this state to re-evaluate our party loyalty and go hunting on election day. We are not being left much choice.

