
Instructing Migrants

I live in an area of North County with a desperate problem with migrant workers. I have a suggestion for the Rev. Rafael Martinez who is highly respected for his work with the migrant workers. As a liaison between the citizens of North County and the workers, he has the power to create an atmosphere of harmony or animosity. He can explain to them what is acceptable and lawful behavior in our country and what is not.

A case in point is the community where I live. It has been estimated that it will cost us at least $6,000 a year to remove the litter and fecal matter left by the migrant workers who have been camping less than 75 feet from our condos. We are required by law to do so.

We are an elderly group of retired teachers, farmers, veterans, etc., of very modest means. Our age and lack of physical agility precludes us from cleaning it up ourselves, and the cost of hiring it done is prohibitive. We do not expect the migrants to “disappear.” We just feel that, along with the privilege of living in this country, goes the responsibility of living by our laws.



