
2nd Democrat to Join Race for La Follette’s Assembly Seat


Irene Allert, a San Fernando Valley Democratic Party activist making her first run for elected office, said Wednesday she plans to campaign for the state Assembly seat held by Republican Marian W. La Follette of Northridge.

Allert, 45, a member of the executive committee of the Democratic Party of the San Fernando Valley, said she expects to have strong party backing in her campaign against La Follette, who is running for a sixth term in the GOP-dominated 38th Assembly District.

In 1988, La Follette easily bested her Democratic opponent, 65% to 35%. Registered Republicans outnumber Democrats in the district by nearly 87,000 to 74,500.


Allert is the second Democrat to announce plans to oppose La Follette. Also planning a challenge is Gary Crandall, a Northridge computer manual writer and member of the pro-environment “Greens.”

Allert said she plans to criticize La Follette for voting against preventive social programs involving family planning and health care. She cited La Follette’s opposition to state funding for family planning clinics and to legislation setting up the controversial state task force on self-esteem.

“Money saved on these programs will come back to haunt us in terms of increased welfare and housing costs,” Allert said. “I think Marian La Follette is myopic in a lot of her viewpoints.” She described La Follette as antiabortion and herself as pro-choice.


Allert, a Kagel Canyon resident, spent 13 years as a teacher at Portola Junior High School in Tarzana and now co-owns a business that provides science and health instructors and materials to schools. She also is a member of the Democratic Party state central committee and worked as a precinct organizer in Michael Dukakis’ 1988 presidential campaign.

“I know the 38th District is considered a Republican stronghold, but I no longer feel like the people of the 38th are being properly represented,” she said.
