
Demonstrations by AIDS Activists

I am continually amazed at the behavior of groups like ACT-UP LA, the Aids Coalition to Unlease Power (“Silent Activists’ March Disrupts Mahony Mass,” Part B, Dec. 26). They try to force their viewpoints by defacing public and private property and disrupting assemblies of free speech and religion. Is this an organization that should be listened to or given respect? I think not! ACT-UP is a burgeoning terrorist group trying to intimidate others into submission and support of its agenda.

ACT-UP’s argument against the Roman Catholic Church is inconsistent at best. ACT-UP leaders claim that the church gives people no choice for fighting the spread of AIDS because it does not endorse condoms for safe sex. Well, if people have a choice of using or not using a condom for sex, do they not also have a choice in choosing to have or not to have sex? The church endorses abstinence in preventing the spread of AIDS, a rational choice given the failure rate of condoms.

I applaud Archbishop Roger Mahony for his strong position. The church needs to remain the salt of the Earth by maintaining policies consistent with the teachings of Scripture and shouldn’t give in to extremist groups which will come and go with the changing of times.



Harbor City
